Tromox Mino

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Fr 30. Sep 2022, 15:53
Roller: Tromox Mino
PLZ: 1

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von vlad_vy »

I wrote down a reminder to cut the wire to pin 30 of the controller connector, but I still forgot about it.

Today I cut this wire, as expected nothing has changed, everything is working. In a normal situation, this wire does not affect anything, but in case of a short circuit in electronics or wiring, its presence is dangerous by wiring fire and damage to the controller, since it shorts the fuse 10A 60V and the short circuit current will go through the controller, from the terminal +60V of the controller to pin 30 of the controller connector.

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Fr 30. Sep 2022, 15:53
Roller: Tromox Mino
PLZ: 1

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von vlad_vy »

Electrical diagram of the Tromox Mino main cable, with CT-22 speedometer and controller LBMC072122SHK3AP-M29 (LBC100.029D).
(207.74 KiB) 82-mal heruntergeladen

The Tromox Mino CT-22 speedometer connector pinout (connector viewed from pin side, male connector):

Used connectors - "Furukawa White RFW 2.3mm" waterproof connector, 9 pin, male and female.

Original Tromox Mino main cable:

Main cable connectors and Left & Right Handle switches
Zuletzt geändert von vlad_vy am Fr 17. Mär 2023, 07:34, insgesamt 5-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 78
Registriert: Do 13. Jan 2022, 15:31
Roller: Super Soco TC, Tromox Mino
PLZ: 51147
Wohnort: Köln
Tätigkeit: Grumpy old IT guy

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von brabax »

So, it‘s time to take on that RS485 protocol, don‘t you think? 8-)

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Fr 30. Sep 2022, 15:53
Roller: Tromox Mino
PLZ: 1

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von vlad_vy »

The RS485 is phisical level protocol. Thats about higher level protocols:
* LanDrive
* ProfiBus DP
* ModBus
* DMX512
* IEC 60870-5

Beiträge: 78
Registriert: Do 13. Jan 2022, 15:31
Roller: Super Soco TC, Tromox Mino
PLZ: 51147
Wohnort: Köln
Tätigkeit: Grumpy old IT guy

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von brabax »

Sorry, I‘ve meant: decoding the transport protocol and the messages on the RS485 port. I could not get around to it because my 18-month-old is keeping me busy…

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Fr 30. Sep 2022, 15:53
Roller: Tromox Mino
PLZ: 1

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von vlad_vy »

I'm afraid I can't help with that, right now I have two RS485 devices only, a battery and an anti-theft alarm. The dashboard and VCU have already been removed. The controller has been replaced with another one.

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Di 24. Jan 2023, 09:25
Roller: Tromox Mino-B
PLZ: 6900
Land: anderes Land

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von Nickster »

vlad_vy hat geschrieben:
Mo 10. Okt 2022, 12:15
Some mods:

Front mudguard 1

Front mudguard 2

Rear mudguard

Additional chain guard
Hi vlad_vy

Did you buy the fenders, or is it something you made your self?

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Fr 30. Sep 2022, 15:53
Roller: Tromox Mino
PLZ: 1

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von vlad_vy »

I use fenders for 47cc и 49cc Minimoto Mini ATV /QUAD/Dirt Bike. And cut these fenders for my needs. Next, clue with 3M adhesive tape (3M Automotive Acrylic Plus Tape). Additional chain guard is cut out of a plastic stationery folder.

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Fr 30. Sep 2022, 15:53
Roller: Tromox Mino
PLZ: 1

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von vlad_vy »

The factory Tromox Mino is designed for a speed of 46 km/h. Motor Kv=35.5. With the help of the stock controller, it is accelerated by 10% (High Speed Percent = 110, Flux Max. Peak Current = 10A), up to 50 km/h. Without acceleration (High Speed Percent = 100): Max speed without load = 55 km/h, speed slip = 16%, 55 * 0.84 = 46.2 km/h. The maximum speed you can get with another controller (High Speed Percent = 130, Flux Max. Peak Current = 30A) ≈ 58 km/h. Max speed without load = 69 km/h, speed slip = 16%, 69 * 0.84 = 57.96 km/h.
Zuletzt geändert von vlad_vy am Mi 14. Jun 2023, 12:07, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 120
Registriert: Fr 30. Sep 2022, 15:53
Roller: Tromox Mino
PLZ: 1

Re: Tromox Mino

Beitrag von vlad_vy »

The last setup is the best of everything I've tried. Controller LBMC072122SHK3AP-M29 (LBC100.029D).

Changed from the factory settings of the Tromox Mino controller:

Motor Design RPM = 2120 (2520*0.84=2117)
Motor Max. RPM = 2520 (55 km/h)
Speed-Loop Mode Setting = Soft
High-Speed Percent = 130 (55*1.3=71.5 km/h) (55*1.3*0.84=60 km/h)
Middle-Speed Percent = 56 (33.8/(55*1.3*0.84)=56.3%) (30 km/h / 63V * 71V = 33.8 km/h)
Low-Speed Percent = 50 (not used)
Flux Max.Peak Current =30
Zuletzt geändert von vlad_vy am Fr 26. Mai 2023, 14:16, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.


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